Tuesday, December 1, 2009

BPA First Post

The first post on a new blog is always the hardest to write but here goes.

I am a freshman in Business Professionals of America and it has been a fun expreiance so far. One experiance that stands out in my mind was my groups trip to Second Harvest. It was a service learning project. I had Megan, Sarah, Brian, and Marsha in my group for the trip and all of us saddled up in Megan's car and took off toward 2nd Harvest. Upon arriving we were greeted by a sweet woman that had us sign in. From there we got a tour, and to give anyone that hasn't been a quick over view, it was a giant warehouse with lots of storage and a room off to the side where they gave away food to the people that needed it. That is where we all worked. We were assigned to stations that gave away certain items. I was assigned Ice Cream so my night went by quickly. It was a really good feeling helping out people that needed it. Afterwards we went to Taco Bell. Just another way BPA helps the community, and it was lots of fun too

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